Some Heart Wrenching Stories

That was many years ago. Once Mahatma Gandhi was invited as the chief guest at a place in Porbandar. Mahatma Gandhi reached the stage and the program was about to begin. Mahatma Gandhi felt a terrible stench from afar. He asked the organizer, where is this smell coming from? He said, Harijan women are not coming for three-four days (the gutter sewerage was not started at that time). So the toilet stinks. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Come on, let’s clean the toilet first and then we will have a comfortable meeting, knowing that the whole community was stunned.


When the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a student, one day he went to appear in the LLB final year examination. Answer any six out of ten questions that were written on the top of the exam paper. Babu Rajendra Prasad was a student of such sharp intellect that he wrote the answers to ten questions in the same three hours. Then in the title form at the beginning, please check the answers to any six questions.


Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam became the President of our country. Prior to that he was the advisor on nuclear affairs to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He served in NASA and was in charge of the Pokhran nuclear test. At that time, he inspected the Pokhran firing field wearing the clothes of a rural farmer so secretly that neither the state or the national intelligence of the country, the FBI intelligence agency of America did not even know and got the Pokhran nuclear explosion done. and became a missileman. He took India’s nuclear power to the heights.


Hon’ble Kalam’s presidential tenure was very good. He was so high-minded that he brought two briefcases of his personal belongings to the Rashtrapati Bhavan during the state and after the completion of his term, after the farewell of Rashtrapati Bhavan, he took only the same two briefcases with him.


Always Venerable Ramsukh Das Ji Maharaj spent the maximum time of his life in Haridwar. He toured many states including Rajasthan and gave discourses. From his discourses and the books published by him from Gorakhpur, there are thoughts filled with spiritual knowledge while living in family peace and household life. His specialty was that he did not allow anyone to touch his feet and did not allow himself to be worshiped. He would say, I am not a god, I am leading a sannyasin life like you. I also worship the Lord above and you should also worship the same. He never allowed his photo to be taken with the camera during the discourse or at any other time and only his name is published on the discourse through Doordarshan, not the photo. We are proud of how many high-ranking Mahatmas were in the Jangid society.


Dr. Samit Sharma was the Divisional Commissioner in IAS Jodhpur for about 5 months last year and by improving the entire administration system, the people of Jodhpur Division felt proud. After that he was transferred to the post of Jaipur Divisional Commissioner. While being the Director in the Health Department, he got the use of organic medicines which are very cheap. Also, in the last year of his tenure as a Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Mr. Ashok Gehlot got free medicines and daily tests in all the government hospitals, which was appreciated by the then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. His parents accompanied him during his stay in Jodhpur. A journalist once asked, do you keep your parents with you? replied, no I do not keep parents with me. They accompany me to my posting place. What a wonderful answer Dr. Samit Sharma ji gave. I have heard this for the first time in my life.


-Er. Tarachand


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